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Security Council


Session 1

Moderated Caucus: 

  • South Africa: In a joint intervention along the delegation of Germany, the delegations start up by setting different definitions such as PMCs and PMSCs that are key for the understanding of the matter. After clearing that up, the delegations classify the mercenary group mentioned as a PMC. Finally, the delegations propose to approach said mercenary group in association with the International Police since they are criminals.

  • United Kingdom: Even though the delegation is open to help the population of Myanmar through organizations such as NGOs to find solutions for the conflict, the delegation brings up different articles explaining why this delegation will not legally defend the government of Myanmar. This decision was taken in view of the fact that the Government of Myanmar is not acting in accordance with the law. Furthermore, the delegation proposes to sanction the government of Myanmar in the same way that the government of Russia was sanctioned in response to the Ukraine invitations.

  • Republic of Cameroon: The delegation apologizes with the committee for its inability to control the issue. Especifically, the delegation holds accountable for not preventing the issue from expanding to China's territory.

  • Swiss Confederation: After highlighting the importance of ensuring that a secure judgment is done to the mercenary group, the delegation proposes to have the regulations needed in order to accomplish that. The delegation agrees to merge its solutions with the ones previously proposed by the delegation of the UK.


Speakers List:


  • French Republic: As a part of the delegation's solutions, the delegation proposes to treat the mercenary group with criminal status and, along with the InterPol, approach the criminal organization. 

  • Republic of China: The delegation is open to work alongside the committee and apply the sanctions that the committee proposes to have a fair judgment of the mercenaries.

  • United Kingdom: Suggests the following solutions: Apply the previously proposed definitions, make the discussed adjustments in order to prevent violations and follow the article 10 of the ICARUFTM.

  • Dominion of Canada: The delegation proposes to add to the discussed solutions the prohibition of the use of fire weapons.

  • Republic of Cameroon: Accepts the discussed solutions and agrees to follow the conditions made by the African Union.

  • Republic of Germany: The delegation highlights the importance in tracking down and identifying the responsibles for the mercenary groups.

  • Republic of South Africa: Complementing the other solutions proposed, the delegation proposes to sanction Myanmar's government along with the mercenary group.

  • Swiss Confederation: The delegation brings up the IHL and IHRL which, according to it, can not be merged together. However, the delegation considers it important that rather than contradicting each other, the IHL and IHRL must have a base of the same ideologies instead.

Session 2

Unmoderated Caucus: (2 hours) 


Draft Resolution: 

  • In order to find a final solution to the issue, the Republic of Germany, Republic of China, French Republic, Republic of South Africa, Republic of Poland, United states of America and the United kingdom gather their positions together to create a draft resolution. 

  • Throughout the writing In this draft resolution, the delegations set the preamble clauses. In these, the delegations summed up the past day of the debates and the position of each delegation regarding the subject.

  • Finally, the draft resolution included 9 resolutive clauses regarding the adjustments that needed to be made in order to solve the problem.

Session 3

Opening speeches: 

  • Swiss confederation:  The delegation highlights the importance of finding solutions to the subject. According to the delegation, the purpose of the committee is not to find some to blame but to find a solution for the problem. 

  • Dominion of Canada: The delegation also considers that the committee should find solutions and try not to create a fight over the subject.

  • Republic of Germany: Importance of understanding the matter before implying force

  • United Kingdom: The UK supports anglophones but considers there are serious matters that need to be solutioned. 

  • Republic of China: The delegation is worried that it does not consider the conflict needs international intervention. 

  • Republic of South Africa: All human rights violations from all parties should not be left unpunished 

  • Republic of Poland: The delegation is open to listen and help the population of Cameroon. 

  • Nigeria: Find a solution to the conflict. 

  • Republic of Cameroon: The delegation is one of the biggest crises that the county has had in a long time. 

  • French Republic: The delegation considers that this has been a huge problem and that is why the delegation considers that a solution must be found for Cameroon's population. 


Moderated Caucus: 

  • Swiss confederation: The delegation starts up by highlighting the large amount of time that the problem has been going on. There are 9 articles from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights  that have been violated in this conflict, not only for months but since colonization times. The delegation quotes these articles and recognizes itself as a mediator so Swiss intention is to resolve the issue. 

  • Republic of Cameroon: The delegate considers that there is a lot of pressure . The delegation considers that there are not enough economic resources for them to solve the problem. In addition to that, the villains of the problem are the Anglophones. 


“The delegation is not looking for solutions even though human rights are being violated” Cameroon,

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